Ramblings of a misplaced heart!

I came across this picture on Facebook today. One look at it, and I knew it would bring out in me something I have long been avoiding to confront! "Maybe on some bright sunny day, on a busy street somewhere, amongst all the hustle and bustle, I would see you. Our eyes would meet, and at that right moment, everything will cease to exist. The look in your eyes, would not meet just my eyes, it would go beyond that, deeper, in to my soul. And that would be the moment when my soul will stir, and awaken to a new life , exactly how dusk feels, when stirred by the glowing dawn. In that heart-pounding moment, all the noise that we had been surrounded with , noise made up of the ghosts of our dark past, noise made up of the jagged shards of our torn hearts... all these noises would start mellowing down, till a point that they completely evaporate, and leave behind a silence, a stillness, where the only thing that's audible would be our souls talking to each other through our beati...