A letter from a hopeless mother to the most wonderful child:

Dearest Son, When I saw your shiny little heart beating at 181 beats per minute, the sound of which resembled those of galloping horses, your little brain bent downwards, and the tiny fingers waiting to stretch out, I knew I would never be able to witness something so beautiful and pure ever again in my life. The thought that I was actually nurturing a life inside me, a life which is dearer to me than my own, a life which I am the source of , and the saying that "motherhood is the feeling of being complete" never made more sense. My heart was filled with varied overpowering emotions - a very different kind of love which can only be felt, and not explained, boundless protection, and insurmountable care for someone who was yet to see the joys of this world. But you my little one, you didn't know that the mother you were safely growing inside of, the mother you were sure of to protect you against all the adversities, the same mother tore your trust in her into p...